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4 Ways to Impress Burlingame Home Buyers with Your Home Staging

When selling your Burlingame real estate, it is important to make a good impression on potential buyers of homes for sale in Burlingame. One of the best ways to do this is by staging your home in a way that makes it look its best. This post will discuss some tips for impressing buyers with your home staging.

1: Start with the basics

When preparing your Burlingame real estate for sale, be sure to start with the basics: cleaning, packing away unnecessary items, and adding a fresh coat of paint. This will help your home look its best and give potential buyers a positive first impression.

Be sure to deeply and thoroughly clean your home. Buyers looking at homes for sale in Burlingame will be sure to spot any dirt or dust, so it is important to make sure your home is sparkling clean, even in the hard-to-reach areas behind and under appliances. You may want to consider hiring a professional cleaning company to help with this task.

In addition, it is important to declutter and pack away any unnecessary items. This will help potential buyers see your home’s full potential and make them more likely to make an offer. Be sure to pack away personal items like photographs, collectibles, diplomas, and certificates. You want potential buyers to picture what their lives might be like when living in your home, and this can be difficult if there are too many personal items on display.

Finally, adding a fresh coat of paint is always a good idea. This will help to brighten up your space and make it feel more welcoming to potential buyers. When choosing a paint color, remember that neutral and earth tones appeal to a wide range of buyers. For living spaces, whites, light grays, and creams are always good choices. In the bedrooms, you may want to consider a light blue or green to create a calming atmosphere.

2: Stage the main rooms

In the 2021 Profile of Home Staging, real estate agents of buyers and sellers both agreed on the three rooms that should be staged at the very minimum, which are the living room, master bedroom, and kitchen. As such, if you don't intend to stage your entire Burlingame real estate, you should be sure to focus on these three rooms at a minimum.

Living Room

The living room is often the first room that potential buyers of homes for sale in Burlingame will see when they walk into your home, so it is important to make a good impression. Be sure to remove any furniture that is not necessary and arrange the remaining pieces in a way that looks appealing and inviting. You should aim to create zones for conversation and for relaxation, so consider adding a coffee table, end tables, and comfy seating. You may also want to consider adding some accent pieces like art, pillows, or candles to give the room a welcoming and cozy feeling.

Master Bedroom

The master bedroom is another important room to stage when selling. Be sure to remove any personal items and pack them away. The goal is to create a space that looks and feels relaxing, so consider adding some soft, elegant bedding and plush pillows. You may also want to add a few accent pieces like an alarm clock, a vase of flowers, or a small piece of art.


The kitchen is often one of the most important rooms for potential buyers, so it is important to make sure it looks its best. Be sure to declutter countertops and pack away any small appliances that you don't use on a regular basis. You should also consider rearranging your cabinets and drawers to make them look more organized and functional. Finally, be sure to add a few decorative touches like fresh flowers or a bowl of fruit to really make the space pop.

3: Ensure each room has proper lighting

Lighting is important in every room of your home, but it is especially important when selling your home. Be sure to open all curtains and blinds to let in as much natural light as possible. You should also add a few lamps to provide additional lighting for any dark corners or spaces. When choosing light bulbs, be sure to opt for ones that are energy-efficient and have a high color rendering index (CRI). This will help to make your home look bright and inviting to potential buyers.

4: Work with an expert in Burlingame real estate

Finally, the best way to impress buyers of homes for sale in Burlingame is to work with a professional staging service. A professional stager will be able to help you select the best furniture and decor for your home, and they will also be able to provide you with valuable tips on how to arrange each room. Staging your home with a professional can be a bit pricey, but it is often worth the investment as it can help you sell your home more quickly and for a higher price.

If you're selling your Burlingame real estate, following these four tips will help you to impress potential buyers and sell your home more quickly. Be sure to stage the living room, master bedroom, and kitchen at a minimum, and be sure to add some accent pieces to really make each room pop. In addition, be sure to let in as much natural light as possible and add some lamps to provide additional lighting. Finally, consider working with a professional staging service to help you get the best results. A Burlingame real estate agent will be able to provide you with more information on home staging and can also help you find a reputable staging service in the area. So, if you're ready to sell your Burlingame home, contact Morgan Cook today.

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His passion is value creation – unlocking a home’s potential to help sellers maximize their sales price and return on investment and to help buyers identify untapped value.
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